
A Year Ago!?

Hi, everyone! Sorry we haven’t posted in such a long time. We are gonna work on our blog "K and D on the Way". It’s a 'news outlet' for all-things Roblox, including updates, avatar recommendations, up and coming games, etc. I have heard a lot about the whole Karmenator11 and Dialuann thing and about how that whole thing blew up since I last reported on it. There’s a lot to cover, so maybe an article on "K and D on the Way" will cover it… See you all later!

Impersonation may be taking place!

I have some bad news regarding one of the ‘most active’ players in the Blox Watch HQ.. it appears that one of them has an account befriending the real persons’ friends. Does that make sense? If it does, what do you think about it? It obviously isn’t the real person. If you go to “Friend Checker”, you can see that the real one is far more active than the possibly fake one. Excuse myself for calling them fake, but to me, it’s just too suspicious. The person may be impersonating the other.. it would make sense, as most of the things don’t add up: almost the exact same friends as the real one, odd bio, and a few banned friends I believe. *No one’s playing the Blox Watch HQ as of now.


 I have just received news apart of the Blox Watch digging, as seen in my last blog. Well, there is the myth called “BottingKarmenator11”. In my last blog, I discussed someone named Karmenator11. The botting person obviously has ties with @karmenator11; the name is just too similar. I know this was short, but this is all I know so far. If you know @BottingKarmenator11, please let me know. Thank you.

The 2021 “Blox Watch” Surge - Roblox

 In 2021, @engrave_d’s Roblox myth game “Blox Watch HQ” received mass popularity amongst players. In recent months, the Blox Watch HQ has had over 20 people join, and for that game, that is a lot. It is quite surprising, as in 2020, about no one joined the game. So.. what lead to the games’ surge in popularity? It all began in late 2021 when the Blox Watch HQ started to receive a couple of players each day. Those joining were typically exploiters, or average players wanting to join in on the fun. Many discuss that the most seen in-game players were: @MariettaAntoinetta, @AgnesRUULEs,   @karmenator11, @Maddie_Mella, @Sarah14977, @iiiavawashere, @dialuann, and @DragonzGamer10. However, not much is known to support this statement, as players only recall seeing them in a game for some time. Well, why were these players ‘so active’? What made them begin the visitations to Blox Watch HQ? Many states that it is to relive the myth. That statement may be correct as one of the ‘most active’ play