The 2021 “Blox Watch” Surge - Roblox

 In 2021, @engrave_d’s Roblox myth game “Blox Watch HQ” received mass popularity amongst players. In recent months, the Blox Watch HQ has had over 20 people join, and for that game, that is a lot. It is quite surprising, as in 2020, about no one joined the game. So.. what lead to the games’ surge in popularity?

It all began in late 2021 when the Blox Watch HQ started to receive a couple of players each day. Those joining were typically exploiters, or average players wanting to join in on the fun. Many discuss that the most seen in-game players were: @MariettaAntoinetta, @AgnesRUULEs, @karmenator11, @Maddie_Mella, @Sarah14977, @iiiavawashere, @dialuann, and @DragonzGamer10. However, not much is known to support this statement, as players only recall seeing them in a game for some time. Well, why were these players ‘so active’? What made them begin the visitations to Blox Watch HQ? Many states that it is to relive the myth. That statement may be correct as one of the ‘most active’ players joined in 2017 when the Blox Watch myth began. I began to dig, and what I found was quite.. questionable.

Upon looking at some of the ‘most active’ players’ accounts, I viewed one that made my suspicion raise towards the roof. One of which had friends who were banned, and another had followers who were banned or said interesting topics — things like, “Join us at 12: PM!!”. Are these players exploiters, you may find yourself asking. Well, not much is known of them and they could just be average Roblox players wanting to know the myth of the Blox Watch HQ, like us here now. Please do not slur at these players, as they, most likely, are completely normal; you don’t know if they are hackers or not.

Anyhow, upon looking up one of the players, @karmenator11, I found myself looking at many of which had the same name: names like @karmenjustbeakarmen rang a bell to me. The names were of a suspicious circumstance, though I’m not sure. If you want to also join in on this ‘Blox Watch HQ player search’, you may. Just, please, be polite to those involved. Thank you.


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